Carry Weight | Hold Light
Jan 10 – Feb 21 2020
A group installation conceived and curated by Heather Brammeier
Carry Weight | Hold Light began as a collaborative exhibition in her studio while Brammeier was an artist in residence at International Studio and Curatorial Program in Brooklyn NY. In ISCP’s Studio #222, she created a large, vertical installation that integrated miniature works by other artists. Inspired by the common practice that artists have of gifting or trading small versions of their work, she invited artists to contribute either a miniature work that could sit on a shelf (made from a folded piece of painted canvas), or a work made on or attached to a pink triangle (also made from painted canvas).
Carry Weight | Hold Light will include works by the following artists: Peter Ahart, Jessica Bingham, Brandi Bowman, Michael Brown, Erin Buczynski, Randy Carlson, Jack Crouch, Alexandra Dupont, Alfonso Gozalbez, Nichole Gronvold-Roller, Emily Hoerdemann, Pei Hsuan-Wang, Chris Hutson, Anna Hutson, Doug Johnson, Yasemin Kackar Demirel, Susan Klein, Paul Komada, Margie Livingston, Nana Ekow Maison, Alexander Martin, Susan Moore, Martina Nehrling, Susanne Nestory, Nicholas Nyland, Carrie Patterson, Mark Rospenda and Natalia Zaluska.
Heather Brammeier is a Professor of Art at Bradley University in Peoria.